Electronic toll collection
On the Autostrade per l'Italia network, it is possible to use the equipment of the following operators on the dedicated toll booths:
Electronic toll collection offers several advantages to the user, both for regular and occasional travellers on the motorway network:
- Time savings: thanks to the T-marked lanes reserved for electronic toll collection, queues and delays caused by traditional payments may be avoided;
- Deferred payment: the toll is collected automatically by recurring charges. If correctly positioned on the windscreen, the electronic toll device is automatically detected when entering and exiting the motorway, without the driver having to perform any operation;
- Potential savings for particular categories of users (such as motorbikes);
- Payment in several European countries with a single European Electronic Toll Service (EETS)
For information and assistance it is necessary to contact the Electronic Toll operator with which the contract was signed

The signs specifying the payment methods available at all entry and exit toll booths follows national colour, logo and symbol standards. For the safety of all road users, remember to occupy the entry or exit lane corresponding to the payment method you have chosen, starting on the lanes leading to the toll booth.
Entry gates
Exit gates
The signs aim to facilitate payment operations, enabling Customers to distinguish and identify, along the 2,855 km of the Autostrade per l'Italia network, the different payment options associated with each gate clearly and instantly. The layout provides for 5 types of boards (placed above the projecting roof) corresponding to the different payment options..
The yellow background unequivocally indicates dynamic collection with Telepass. In addition to the logo TELEPASS, the board says "reserved for customers" to further indicate that these gates are solely for use by holders of the Telpass device.
Blue uniquely indicates that payment can only be made using the following cards: Viacard, Credit Cards and Cash cards. There are two generic card types alongside the Viacard logo to indicate the various cards accepted (the details of the Cards accepted, illustrated below, can be found on the board placed at the start of the island delimiting the gate). Payment by Credit or Cash card is facilitated by the fact that there is no need to enter a Pin number and no commission is charged.
As regards the previous board, the "T" for Telepass on a yellow background indicates that the Telepass customer can also use this gate, but warns the customer that the gate is not solely for Telelpass customers. The blue background shows that these are gates are used for Card payments: Viacard, Credit Cards and Cash cards.
The board displays the symbol for cash plus that of a hand to indicate that there is an cash payments. The board displays the symbol for cash plus that of a hand to indicate that there is an operator present.
In this case, white also indicates cash payments. Gates displaying these boards only accept payment through the automatic self-service till (enabled to give change). Along with the cash symbol, this board displays card logos on a blue background indicating that payment can also be made using Viacard, Credit and Cash Cards. Card logos placed on the lower part of the board indicate that this gate is not only for that type of payment.
The same colours, logos and symbols used on toll gate signs can also be found on direction and channelling boards found on portals approaching the gates. This is to present the massage in advance and help Customers to identify the right gate based on payment method chosen.