Unpaid Tolls /

Entry toll booth self-certification

If the Non-payment Report bears the words "ENTRATA NON RILEVATA" or “BIGLIETTO SMARRITO” (Entry not detected - Lost Ticket), this means the entry ticket was not submitted, or the transit occurred abruptly with respect to your ticket, or the entry was not detected. In this case, the toll is calculated by law from the farthest toll booth (Article 176/16 CdS).

In this section, you can self-certify the entry toll booth and recalculate the toll due, if it was not possible to detect it at the time of payment, or if you weren't able to show the ticket you collected upon entering the motorway.

You have the right to present evidence of the actual entry toll booth. Autostrade per l'Italia reserves the right to accept a self-certification (pursuant to DPR 445/2000) from the entry toll booth, and to carry out subsequent checks on the truthfulness of the declarations made.

If you have been charged for the entire motorway section and have not paid yet, you can certify the correct section you have travelled by following the instructions.
If you have already paid for the entire route up to the toll booth, you can request a refund after submitting the certification.