Organismo ADR
Alternative Dispute Resolution - Conciliation
Autostrade per l'Italia, SAT, RAV and TANA and 20 Consumer Associations accredited by the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy - MIMIT (Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy) signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) body for out-of-court settlement of disputes, effective as from July 2024.
A user whose complaint has remained unanswered for 30 days or is considered to be unsatisfactory may resort to the conciliation procedure to settle their issue without appearing in court smoothly, quickly and free of charge, provided that the issue at hand falls within the body's jurisdiction. (See FAQ No. 11).
The Body is provided for in Article 141 - ter of the Consumer Code and the ADR Directive 2013/11/EU.

The structure of the Body is as follows:
the Secretariat deals with the administrative management of conciliation petitions
individual joint committees - composed of a conciliator representing the company and a conciliator representing the consumer associations, acting impartially and properly trained – in charge of identifying a resolution proposal to be presented to the user.
a Joint Guarantee Body, in charge of monitoring the work of the Body as well as the correct application of the Rules of Operation