Write to us

Autostrade per l'Italia values all customer communications that help us in our daily efforts to improve our service.
Every day, more than 70 operators are busy answering the thousands of requests submitted to the company.

In order to receive a reply as soon as possible, please address your request correctly

If you have made a journey on the network operated by Autostrade per l'Italia and wish to submit a complaint, please enter the following mandatory data:

  • Identification details of the user (name, surname, address) and of any attorney, attaching in this case the proxy and an identity document of the user;
  • References of the journey made (point of entry, point of exit, date and time of passage, vehicle registration number);
  • Copy of the toll payment receipt or number of the electronic toll device where the transit was carried out;
  • Description of the detected disservice.
Scrivici tramite webform

How to send a complaint

For the proper handling of the complaint, use of the dedicated sending channel is necessary.
If the channel used for submission is incorrect, it will not be possible to activate the complaint process

If you are not satisfied with our services, please fill in the dedicated web form with all required data, and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Go to the webform

Scrivici tramite webform

Only for events relating to material damage suffered by vehicles in which the motorway infrastructure was involved (‘accidents’), the claim must be sent exclusively by registered mail to the address autostradeperlitalia@pec.autostrade.it.

Here are some examples:

Damage to vehicles caused by:

  • Collision against the toll track barrier;
  • Collision against the toll track barrier;
  • Pothole or rutty motorway surface;
  • Falling objects detached from motorway structures;
  • Collision with animals or objects not removed from the motorway network in a timely manner.
Scrivici tramite webform

For all kinds of complaint, a registered letter can be sent to the address: Via A. Bergamini 50 -00159- Rome - indicating on the envelope: «Oggetto: RECLAMO».

All the mandatory data listed above are required to file a complaints.

Scrivici tramite webform