Next to Safety
Autostrade per l'Italia Group has placed safety at the core of its 2020-2024 Transformation Plan as it believes that no achievement can be a success if it has cost the health - or worse - the life of a Person. In our vision of sustainable development, safety is crucial. We are determined to achieve zero accidents, and between 2020 and 2022 the Autostrade per l'Italia Group's accident rates - which are calculated including those of contractors - have fallen by over 50%.
Figures and highlights
People involved during Safety Week
External companies involved in the Safety Academy
Training hours
People trained within the Active Safety Value Project

Development that cannot disregard the protection of the health and safety of workers: even today in Italy, 3 people lose their lives every day while working.
With our safety promotion campaigns we aim to make people aware of the need to take care of their own safety and that of others.
Autostrade per l'Italia Group strongly believes in the value of collaboration and dialogue and has therefore set up important partnerships with INAIL (National Institute for Accidental Insurance at Work) and trade unions to share actions and strategies to achieve the "zero accidents" objective. This collaboration is aimed at promoting workers' health and safety and disseminating the culture of safety through projects focusing on communication, training, organisation, innovation and new technologies in the field of health and safety at work.