Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia
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Making mobility increasingly sustainable, safe, innovative, efficient and responsive to the present and future needs of society and its communities

Autostrade per l'Italia's transformation is strongly geared towards sustainability, through a cross-cutting programme involving all the Group's activities, with the ambition of becoming a leading operator in the implementation and management of sustainable mobility systems.

Our Commitments

Icona Environment


Adopting a sustainable infrastructure model, aimed at fostering energy transition and mobility with low environmental impact, by cutting direct and indirect carbon footprint, through innovative solutions.

Icona Social


Operating through cutting-edge standards to ensure the highest levels of network safety, security and resilience, striving for excellence in service quality and working to promote the economic and social growth of the communities. Putting people at the centre, valuing diversity and safe, fair and inclusive working conditions.

Icona Governance


Operating in compliance with the values of legality, accountability and transparency, ensuring the full integration of ESG principles into the company's business model and value chain.

Material Topics 2022 and SDGS


Combating climate change

Energia pulita e accessibile Lotta contro il cambiamento climatico

Protection of natural resources

Acqua pulita e servizi igenico-sanitari Consumo e produzione responsabili


Pace, giustizia e istituzioni solide
Lotta al cambiamento climatico


Occupational health and safety

Salute e benessere Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica

Road Safety

Imprese, innovazione e infrastrutture Istruzione di qualità

Inclusion, Enhancement, Development of Human Resources

Istruzione di qualità Parità di genere LAvoro dignitoso e crescita economica Ridurre le disuguaglianze

Customer experience

Imprese, innovazione e infrastrutture

Infrastructure oversight

Imprese, innovazione e infrastrutture

Relationship with the community

Città e comunità sostenibili
Lotta al cambiamento climatico


Governance and Integrity

Pace giustizia e istituzioni solide Partnership per gli obiettivi

Privacy and cybersecurity

Pace giustizia e istituzioni solide

Supply chain

Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica Consumo e produzione responsabili

Business model resilience

Imprese innovazione e infrastrutture Pace giustizia e istituzioni solide

Innovation and digitisation

Imprese innovazione e infrastrutture Città e comunità sostenibili


Icona 2022


Strengthening of the governance system, with the establishment of the ESG & Health and Safety Committee

Icona 7,2


Scope 1 and 2 emissions vs 2021

Icona 99%


of waste intended for recovery/recycling/reuse processes

Icona 100%


Autostrade per l'Italia's electricity consumption covered by renewable sources

Icona 98%


of expenditure to local suppliers

Icona A1


Moody's Advanced

Icona 6.2

Negligible risk from Sustainalytics (top rated global, industry and regional

The ESG Ambassador Community

A community of colleagues, the so-called “ESG Ambassadors”, has been set up in order to integrate ESG principles at all levels of the organisation: they are directly involved in initiatives related to the key issues while promoting the ongoing cultural change.

Alessia Ruzzeddu
Establishing a network where each person's contribution can benefit the others
Andrea Manfron
A moral duty, in the light of the relevance of such issues in social life
Fabiana Pavoni
Only a sustainable society can ensure a future for new generations
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