Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia
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Gronda di Genova

A strategic work for our Country, an international engineering challenge
Safety is the main pillar of Autostrade per l'Italia Group’s 2020-2024 Transformation Plan as it firmly believes that no achievement can represent a success if it has damaged the health - or worse – caused the death of a Person. In our vision of sustainable development, safety is crucial. We are determined to achieve zero accidents, and between 2020 and 2022 the Autostrade per l'Italia Group's accident rates - which are calculated including those of contractors - have fallen by over 50%.

People involved during Safety Week




external companies involved in the Safety Academy


Training hours


People trained within the Active Safety Value Project

360° actions to promote safety on construction sites
Premi per la sicurezza

Safety Awards

Provision of a bonus system for accident rates in procurement contracts

Safety day e Safety Walk

«Safety Day and Safety Walk»

regular meetings and inspections with the entire site organisation in order to jointly analyse problems and actions for improvement

Safety Academy

Safety Academy

Supporting contractors in prevention improvement processes in the field of occupational health and safety

Piano di controllo Qualità e Sicurezza

Quality and Safety Control Plan

definition of new standards and procedures

Controllo automatizzato degli ingressi di uomini e mezzi

Automated entry control of men and vehicles

on construction sites for optimal management of the relevant Safety and Security

Campagna di comunicazione

Communication campaign

To promote safety on construction sites

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