Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia


Ensuring the safety of infrastructure, traffic and workplaces. Increase customer satisfaction and dialogue with communities. Creating an inclusive working environment, ensuring the well-being of our people and bridging the gender gap

Traffic safety

Over the years, many interventions have been carried out to reduce the mortality rate along the Group's network by more than 75% since 2000.

What we have already done

  • specific measures at points with an above-average accident rate, including warning signs, installation of luminous systems and special pavements
  • Tutor system for detecting average speed
  • draining asphalt on 100% of the network suitable for this type of paving
  • increase in sections with special high-adhesion pavements
  • closure of open gaps on the traffic island with mobile structures to allow them to be opened in emergency situations.
  • safety communication campaigns, awareness-raising events and direct contact with the traffic police

Occupational Health and Safety

The Group complies with the highest international standards in Health and Safety to implement continuous improvement towards the goal of 'Zero Accidents'.

Uomini in galleria

For Autostrade per l'Italia, the protection of its people is a decisive factor guiding every moment of the planning and implementation of its activities. This translates into the strategic objective of creating an all-round safe workplace, pursuing the goal of "zero accidents”.

  • Health and Safety Management System certified according to ISO 45001
  • Establishment of the Health, Safety and Environment Committee to disseminate and root a safety culture and improve HSE performance
  • H&S Programme' based on seven key elements (pillars - pop up) for each of which the Group defines objectives and implementation methods.

The seven pillars of the H&S programme

  1. Leadership & Management
  2. Employee Involvement and Participation
  3. Risk identification and assessment
  4. Prevention and protection
  5. Awareness, skills and knowledge
  6. Monitoring, control and improvement
  7. Relationship management with suppliers and contractors
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