Autostrade con strumenti di controllo intelligenti

Autostrade Intelligenti

Motorways capable of communicating with self-driving cars and providing drivers with safety information; sensors and lights that can automatically detect accidents and communicate with the relevant authorities via a centralised platform; high-definition cameras that read the number plates of passing vehicles and monitor traffic in real time; smart service areas, motorway toll booths that recover energy from braking vehicles; drones that monitor traffic or keep an eye on the infrastructure’s health; pavement that ‘talks’ with the operators through sensors, to determine the ideal maintenance schedule. 

All the tools put in place by Autostrade per l'Italia to make the network it manages safer, smarter and more sustainable.


Kinetic Energy Harvesting

Exploiting the passage of decelerating vehicles to generate energy and power toll booths and service areas, improving environmental sustainability: this is KEHV, Kinetic Energy Harvesting from Vehicles, the system developed by Autostrade per l'Italia that uses kinetic carpets near motorway toll booths or rest stop junctions, which transform the kinetic energy generated by decelerating vehicles passing by into energy to power different units, such tool booths, lighting, signs and even e-vehicle charging stations.

Smart lighting

The new smart LED grazing light systems ensure uniform roadway lighting, improving safety and driving comfort, and lowering fuel consumption. They adapt to road conditions and warn users in case of danger with special light configurations. Not only that: the spotlights are also IoT devices connected to the traffic management platform, to which they can report accidents, traffic jams, stationary or wrong-lane vehicles, or adverse weather conditions.