Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia
Galleria Manfreida

Area Liguria

Galleria Manfreida

Some figures

People at work every day
3 lane
final configuration
2,000 t
of new steel reinforcement
787.4 m

The route


Description of the works

The works planned for the left tube of the Manfreida Tunnel is part of the Network Modernisation Plan which, on the A26 Genoa - Gravellona Toce, also involves the Poggio, Lagoscuro, Ciutti, Curli, Setteventi and Olimpia tunnels (right tube).

The Manfreida Tunnel is located between Masone and the junction with the A10 motorway. It is divided into 3 lanes and is 787 metres long.

Two different interventions are being carried out in order to:

  • improve the safety conditions of the tunnel;
  • extend the Nominal Life of the asset by 50 years

These interventions, which were shared on the occasion of special boards with the Region and other Local institutions, started in November 2022 and are expected to last 564 days.

In order to minimise the impact on the Ligurian road network, the innovative Road Zipper technology was adopted for the Manfreida tunnel construction site as well as for the Poggio, Lagoscuro, Ciutti, Curli and Setteventi tunnels.

The system patented in the USA makes it possible to move a physical barrier between two opposing traffic flows using special machinery, without the need to close the roadway.

This high-tech solution, which was tested on the A26, minimises the impact of the works on traffic, reconfiguring the lanes according to actual traffic conditions and ensuring greater safety for both travellers and workers.

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