Gronda di Genova
The construction site system is the set of all the activities, including those preliminary and/or supporting the main works; this system analyses and identifies all the problems related to logistics, the organisation of the work areas, the construction of appropriate infrastructures for access to the areas where the works are to be carried out and the resolution of interference with traffic on the existing motorway.

will house the site management offices and living quarters for the workers. The Field Facility is located within the urban area of Genoa at the former ERG site, situated at the height of the San Giorgio viaduct and on the hydrographic right of the Polcevera Stream.
These areas will be occupied from the beginning of the work by the company. Here, collateral activities will be concentrated. All the areas are equipped with facilities to mitigate the environmental impact consisting of site water collection and purification systems, facilities to limit dust emissions into the atmosphere, and environmental protections.
These are all the areas that will be occupied by the contractor during the tunnel construction works.
The excavation of the tunnels of the new A10 bis (Monterosso, Amandola, Borgonuovo) will be carried out by means of 2 TBMs that will be assembled on the CI13 entrance apron located in Bolzaneto. The excavated soil will be characterised in the dedicated area inside the site, consisting of a shed that houses the laboratory and silos in which the soils awaiting examination are placed. Following characterisation, the materials are transported to the final Maritime Work by means of the slurry pipeline.
The slurry pipeline passes adjacent to the right bank of the Polcevera Torrent and is approximately 12 metres wide.
For the Gronda di Genova, it was decided to limit the construction of new service roads to the bare minimum to limit the impacts on the territory. This will be done based on two principles:
The use of the existing motorway as the main route for construction vehicles.
In fact, the main tunnel excavation sites converge near the existing carriageways, making it possible to transport excavated soil and feed the portals directly from the motorway.
The adaptation of existing roads to be used temporarily as site roads.
Local roads are used only in those cases where the works cannot be carried out directly from the existing motorways (this is the case, for example, of the piers of the new viaducts of the Gronda in Voltri, which must be built from the valley below the route). An accurate study of the routes already present in the territory has made it possible to identify several roads to be temporarily dedicated to the works vehicles, subject to their adaptation; these roads will represent an improvement of the local road network to the benefit of the territory