Gronda di Genova
A strategic work for Italy at international level, built in a unique context, through synergies, design expertise and state-of-the-art engineering solutions.
Promote of SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY bringing wealth and benefitting the national and Ligurian economies
3.5 million HOURS SAVED per year for motorway and local road traffic in the Genoa area with more than 40,000 vehicles per day travelling on the new route
Construction of a 17.5 MV PHOTOVOLTAIC PLANT, of which 10 MV will meet the entire energy needs of the Gronda and the rest will be used by the community
LIBERALISATION OF THE A10: elimination of motorway tolls for all urban sections between the Genova Voltri/Prà, Genova Pegli and Genoa Airport junctions
RELOCATION of city traffic resulting in less congestion and less delays on the existing network
New impulse for the PORT'S STRATEGIC LOCATION and trade by facilitating truck flows
The Gronda in pills
are over 50 years old
are over 50 years old
An innovative, digital and sustainable project enabling economic growth in the North-West of the country
Possibility of modernising the Ligurian network, one of the most complex in the world
Pollution reduction
Increased safety for users
The project map

Vesima East viaduct widening
Asset dating back to the first construction phase of the A10 (1930s). The asymmetrical widening is necessary to allow for the creation of the new eastbound carriageway of the Gronda from the existing A10 which continues towards Voltri.
Vesima West viaduct widening
Asset dating back to the second construction phase of the A10 (1970s). The asymmetrical widening is necessary to allow for the connection of the new westbound carriageway of the Gronda with the existing A10, which continues towards Ventimiglia.

Borgonuovo East and West tunnels
They will be excavated mechanically using a TBM. Length of each tunnel: approx. 2.2 km

New Cerusa East and West viaducts
The two new viaducts solve the crossing of the valley of the Cerusa stream in Voltri on the east and west carriageways of the Gronda.

Ciocia Tunnel
It will be excavated traditionally. Length: approx. 460 m

New Leiro East and West Viaducts
The two new viaducts solve the crossing of the valley of the Leiro stream in Voltri on the east and west sides of the Gronda.

Amandola East and West Tunnels
They will be excavated mechanically using a TBM. Length of each tunnel: approx. 6 km

New Varenna East and West viaducts
The two new viaducts solve the crossing of the Varenna stream valley by the east and west carriageways of the Gronda.

Maritime work
Part of the excavated material from the construction of the tunnels will be relocated in the vicinity of Genoa Airport, in the ‘Maritime Work’. The area in which it will be constructed is the existing Calma Canal of the Port of Genoa, the harbour basin between the Genoa Airport platform and the Breakwater.

Monterosso East and West Tunnels
They will be excavated mechanically using a TBM. Length of each tunnel: approx. 6.2 km

New viaduct Genoa
The new viaduct crosses the Polcevera valley at the height of the municipality of Bolzaneto

Polcevera Tunnel, San Rocco, Forte Diamante
They will be excavated traditionally. Polcevera: approx. 530; San Rocco: approx. 1 km; Forte Diamante: approx. 2.8 km

Morego Tunnel
It will be excavated traditionally. Length: approx. 90 m

Torbella West, Forte Diamante, Bric du Vento, Torbella East Tunnel
They will be excavated traditionally. Torbella West: approx. 100 m; Forte Diamante: approx. 2.8 km; Bric du Vento: approx. 2.4 km; Torbella east: approx. 1.4 km

Montesperone Tunnel
It will be excavated traditionally. Length: approx. 2.4 km

Campursone Tunnel
It will be excavated traditionally. Length: approx. 100 m

Granarolo, Moro 1 and Moro 2 Tunnels
They will be excavated traditionally. Length Granarolo: approx. 3.5 km; Moro 1: approx. 915 m; g. Moro 2: 1 km