The Group acts in accordance with the legal, accountable, and transparent principles and relies its sustainability model on a Governance, aligned to Best Practice and extended to all levels of the organisation
Our Sustainability Governance
Board of Directors
which defines the strategic guidelines and policies on ESG matters.
ESG & HS Committee
Board Committee with advisory and proposal-making tasks.
ESG Committee
Board Committee overseen by the Chief Executive Officer. The Committee proposes the Group's ESG guidelines to the Sustainability Committee, validates the Sustainability Plan and monitors its progress. It also coordinates activities in the ESG sphere by interfacing with the other management committees present and the internal structures that intervene in sustainability-related issues and projects (ESG ambassadors and heads of teams that oversee projects with ESG impacts).
Sustainability & ESG Reporting
a structure reporting directly to the CFO, which, on the basis of the Group's ESG strategic guidelines, oversees the dissemination of ESG objectives to all corporate structures. The structure defines and monitors the Sustainability Plan and is responsible for the Group's non-financial reporting, also guaranteeing the connection with the ESG Committee and the internal subjects involved in the management of ESG projects.
The Community of ESG Ambassadors
people identified within the organisation with the task of promoting and monitoring ESG initiatives and projects in line with the defined strategies and targets.
Meet the COMMUNITYESG risks
According to the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report, extreme weather events and man-made environmental damage are among the most likely risks over the next ten years. Risks with the greatest impact include pandemic risks, followed by the failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions and other environmental risks.
Among the main risk clusters related to the Group's activities are those related to environmental protection, change management and human capital, infrastructure safety and occupational health and safety, and those related to corporate responsibility.
This is the summary diagram identifying Autostrade per l'Italia's main risks related to the thematic areas of Legislative Decree 254/2016.
- Contracts and investments
- Supply chain management
- Safety works
- Traffic safety
- Workers' health and safety
- Contracts and investments
- Supply chain management
- Unavailability of people, systems, infrastructure
Respect of human rights
- Compliance with Laws and Regulations and applicable
- Ethics & Corporate Responsibility
Fight against corruption
- Supply Chain Management
- Compliance with Laws and Regulations
- Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
Supply chain
The Group integrates ESG elements into procurement by adopting an innovative management/assessment model to support the ESG development path of the supply chain
Consistency, transparency and proactivity are the criteria by which the Group intends to manage its supply chain. In 2022 the Open-es platform launched a path towards a sustainable supply chain that sees Autostrade per l'Italia engaged in an ESG review of all stages of supplier relations, from vendor management to the procurement stage.

As part of an ESG-oriented review of all phases of the supplier relationship, the Open Es digital platform was adopted for the selection of suppliers according to ESG parameters, awarding a specific score.
Rewarding criteria
- Possession of certifications
- Use of low-emission machinery
- Willingness to use green materials
- Health and safety-oriented solutions