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Our commitment

Management System Policy

Our Group has integrated the DE&I Guidelines within the Management System Policy to foster and disseminate the Principles of Diversity Equity & Inclusion at Group level and to promote the spread of a culture of inclusion in support of social innovation and sustainability.

The integrated management system is a set of activities aimed at continuously improving performance and the effectiveness of risk control.

For an organisation, the adoption of a management system is a strategic decision that can help improve its overall performance and provide a solid basis for sustainable development initiatives.

Policy del Sistema di Gestione

Our DE&I Networks

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Membership of WEPs

Our policies on gender equality and dedicated to the empowerment of female talent are inspired by the Women Empowerment Principles Weps, the 7 UN principles to which ASPI adhered in August 2021 to direct its development policies.

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Governare efficacemente

Membership of ValoreD

As supporters of Valore D, we also signed the Valore D “Manifesto for Women's Employment”, which defines concrete tools to enhance gender diversity within the company.

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Sostenere e preservare DE&I

Membership of Global Inclusion

A cultural event aimed at fostering the full implementation of Article 3 of the Italian Constitution through the exchange of experiences between the organisations that promote change and that have joined the programme every year since 2019.


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UNI/PdR 125:2022 Certified Company - Gender Equality

November 2022
The equality certification obtained by Autostrade per l'Italia is based on the gender equality management system guidelines published in March 2022 by UNI and the Equal Opportunities Department of the Prime Minister's Office as provided for in the PNRR - Mission 5 (Inclusion and Cohesion) and reiterated in the Equal Opportunities Code. UNI/PdR 125 certification rewards Autostrade per l'Italia's commitment to spreading a culture of inclusiveness and women's empowerment, key points in the Group's DE&I programme, which from 2021 will accompany business transformation with policies to reduce the gender gap and gender pay gap and guarantee work life balance tools.

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ISO 30415:2021

ISO 30415 certified company

May 2022
Human Resource Management Diversity and Inclusion is the first ISO standard to address the topic of diversity and inclusion. It is an international standard for implementing, evaluating, maintaining and improving a D&I framework to guide and develop business paths characterised by greater inclusiveness and sustainability.

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Dyslexia Friendly Company

June 2022 - DYSLEXIA FRIENDLY CERTIFICATION to adapt and improve recruiting and selection processes.

Certification issued by the Italian Dyslexia Association to promote the inclusion and enhancement of dyslexics in the world of work, Autostrade per l'Italia has adapted and improved its recruiting and selection processes with the aim of guaranteeing bias-free profiling and using compensatory tools for candidates with DSA who wish to declare themselves.

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Digital Accessibility

March 2022 - recognition of Web Excellence 2021 received by the Group for making www.autostrade.it and www.essediessespa.it fully accessible, and thanks to the overall scores achieved, well above the required standards, the Group was also awarded the title of Best Improver 2021 for these two sites.