ASPI Group Anti Bribery guideline
To further demonstrate its commitment to preventing and combating unlawful practices, Autostrade per l'Italia has issued the Anti-Bribery Guideline, which integrates the Group's existing principles and rules for preventing and combating bribery into an organic framework.
Compliance with the Guideline is compulsory for all its recipients: "members of the corporate bodies of administration and control, all Group personnel, Third Parties (such as, for example, suppliers, sub-suppliers, subconcessionaires, consultants, representatives, business partners, etc.) and to all those who collaborate or operate, in the name of or on behalf of and/or in the interest of the Group itself, nationally and/or internationally".
ASPI Group “Zero Corruption” Manifesto
Corruption is a global and cross-cutting issue that we need to face together to ensure a fair and sustainable future and progress on long-term challenges.
In carrying out its activities, the Group is committed to achieving the "Zero Corruption" goal through the 10 rules outlined in the MANIFESTO.
Download manifesto Watch the video
Aspi Anti Bribery Management System
Autostrade per l'Italia has also voluntarily implemented an Anti-Bribery Management Systems, a set of activities designed and implemented with an integrated and synergic approach to continually improve performance, promotion of Responsible Business Conduct and the effectiveness of action to contain corruption risks, as a tool for assurance, proactive management of corruption risks and strengthening the culture of integrity.
In May 2022, Autostrade per l'Italia obtained renewal of certification of compliance with ISO 37001 of its Anti-Bribery Management Systems.

Information brochures
Autostrade per l'Italia has also adopted special information brochures on the content of the Anti- Bribery Guideline in order to share its commitment to preventing and combating corruption with third parties who have or intend to entertain relations with the Company.