Autostrade per l'Italia
Autostrade per l'Italia
Calls For Tenders and Outcomes
Calls for Tenders

On this page, it is possible to search for tender procedures initiated by Autostrade as divided into the following categories:

  • Calls for tenders: open procedures under Art. 60 of Italian Legislative Decree 50/16, restricted procedures under Art. 61, competitive dialogues under Art. 64 whose deadlines for the submission of bids have not yet expired;
  • Expressions of interest and market surveys: pursuant to Art. 62 of Italian Legislative Decree 50/16 whose deadlines for the submission of bids have not yet expired;
  • Tender notices: notices of initiation of negotiated procedures under Art. 63 of Italian Legislative Decree 50/2016 whose deadlines for the submission of bids have not yet expired;
  • Tender outcomes: under Art. 98 of Italian Legislative Decree 50/16 and Art. 1 paragraph 2 lett. b) of Italian Law 120/20;
  • Expired tender events: all tender events falling within the above types whose deadlines for the submission of bids have expired.

Information on procedures concluded before 14/06/2021 can be found at the following link

Bandi di gara

Search for Tenders


In compliance with the regulations on the disclosure of results and with a view to transparency and accessibility of information, this section provides access to the results of Autostrade's public tender procedures, as provided for by the relevant legislation.

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