Calls for Tenders
On this page, it is possible to search for tender procedures initiated by Autostrade as divided into the following categories:
- Calls for tenders: open procedures under Art. 60 of Italian Legislative Decree 50/16, restricted procedures under Art. 61, competitive dialogues under Art. 64 whose deadlines for the submission of bids have not yet expired;
- Expressions of interest and market surveys: pursuant to Art. 62 of Italian Legislative Decree 50/16 whose deadlines for the submission of bids have not yet expired;
- Tender notices: notices of initiation of negotiated procedures under Art. 63 of Italian Legislative Decree 50/2016 whose deadlines for the submission of bids have not yet expired;
- Tender outcomes: under Art. 98 of Italian Legislative Decree 50/16 and Art. 1 paragraph 2 lett. b) of Italian Law 120/20;
- Expired tender events: all tender events falling within the above types whose deadlines for the submission of bids have expired.
Information on procedures concluded before 14/06/2021 can be found at the following link


In compliance with the regulations on the disclosure of results and with a view to transparency and accessibility of information, this section provides access to the results of Autostrade's public tender procedures, as provided for by the relevant legislation.